Restaurant Hood Cleaning
Arlington Texas
Commercial Kitchen Equipment Cleaning
Sewer line contaminates such as grease, oils, solids and fats are starting to get the attention of local city, county and state government. There is even a display in the Museum of London called the ‘fatberg’. It consists of grease, condoms and wet wipes.
The fatberg is a small chunk taken from a one hundred and forty-three-ton fatberg that was discovered in the sewer system of London last September. It was dismantled by workers with shovel, pickaxes, jet hoses and spades.
This fatberg has caught national attention as municipalities are starting to fear for their own sewer system. One step they are taking is inspecting and fining commercial kitchen that do not have a proper grease management system. If you don’t have one, you could be liable for any issues or damages in the neighborhood that may happen. There are also heavy fines.
Arlington Hood Cleaning doesn’t just clean hood and exhaust systems, they specialize in commercial kitchen equipment cleaning. Many restaurant owners and managers rely on their staff to clean their equipment but there could be some complacency in one or two of your staff and the job is not routinely done correctly.
Grease and fat build up over time in every area of your commercial kitchen. It can build up to the point of being a serious fire hazard. At Arlington Hood Cleaning our team is bonded, licensed, trained and certified in commercial kitchen equipment cleaning. They use environmentally safe chemicals to remove the grease.
Our team at Arlington Hood Cleaning is ready to come out to your kitchen and give you a thorough examination and give you an estimate of what it would cost to remove the grease and do a full commercial kitchen equipment cleaning. As you know not all kitchens are constructed the same or even use the same equipment. Quotes over the phone are just that, our professionals really need to see how much buildup of grease you may have accumulated.
We have worked with many restaurants that thought they were doing an efficient job cleaning the fat and grease build up. However, when Arlington Hood Cleaning professionals examined their commercial kitchen equipment and rooftops they found there were some definitely below legal standards and at risk for a fire.
Commercial kitchen equipment cleaning in most cases can be cleaned with chemicals which sit for a while then removed with hot water by a pressure washer. If there is significant build up, the grease and fat may need to be removed by scrapper first them the chemical/wash treatment.
Arlington Hood Cleaning will give you before and after pictures for your records. They will also give you a certificate stating you used a professional firm for your commercial kitchen equipment cleaning. This is important because you now have a paper trail showing you are doing everything possible to keep your commercial kitchen in compliance. The certificate can be submitted to your insurance company and may keep you for loosing points when the local health inspector does an unannounced visit.
Arlington Hood Cleaning is licensed, bonded, trained and certified for commercial kitchen equipment cleaning.
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